Thursday, February 27, 2020

Filming Blog: Maya's House

Today, Maya and I filmed part of the last bit of our film. Thankfully, we were successful in filming most of the rest. It was not as much as we thought it'd be. However, we forgot to check out a camera from our teachers. We were not going to let this set us back. We filmed on Maya's phone. It surprisingly had better quality than the camera. I got to her house around 8:00 pm. We then proceeded to start the filming process. We wanted outside to be dark but not very dark. We did not want it to be very dark due to the fact that we still wanted to be able to see what we were filming. We thought the lighting was perfect. I took a shot of her in the car, putting the car in drive. We then followed our storyboard. We went in order instead of just doing her parts first then mine. We did this because we hope it will make it easier on us to edit. We assumed filming today would take about two more hours. Gladly, it only took 1 hour. Maya and I were very happy with the outcome of our current shots. We can't wait to film the rest of our opening sequence.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: Halfway Done!

Maya and I have gotten a lot done. As for filming, we have been successful. Not completely, but partially. We have filmed about 5 scenes. We have around 3 left. This indicates that Maya and I should be done soon. We need to get together again to film the remaining parts. When we filmed on Sunday, we completed the beginning of the film. We were glad we did this because we were able to start the editing process in class. We hope that if we start editing early, we will finish early. Also, we hope our film turns out how we pictured it. The storyboard was the most helpful part for filming. We kept it with us all the time. If we didn't have it when we were outside, we just used our phone. It was pretty easy. We changed a few minor details. It wasn't anything too big. It just made it easier for us to film and more flowing. Maya and I plan to get back together on Thursday. We can't wait to see the final product for our film!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog: Cancelled

Maya and I planned on filming yesterday. Sadly, we were not able to. The reason for this is because our film must take place during the night as it is darker. This is because we wanted it during the night to create a more eerie feeling throughout the film. However, Maya had a track meet. We knew this before, but it that went longer than she expected. Hence, we were not able to meet up and film. She believed that her meet would end around 6 P.M. However, due to weather delays, it ended at 10 P.M. Due to this, we have decided to film as soon as we could. After talking about when we are busy, we concluded that Sunday was the best day for the both of us. We do not have any plans that day and hope to film successfully. We need to space out our time. The reason for this is because we need to make sure we have enough time to edit. If we successfully finish filming on Sunday, we can edit for the rest of the time we have. The editing process shouldn't take too long, but if the laptops give trouble then it may take longer than expected. Thankfully, Maya and I already know the transitions we are going to use. This should hopefully make the editing process a lot easier. We looked up the weather beforehand and it stated that it should not rain. From this, we should not have any weather issues. Hopefully we are able to complete all of our takes on Sunday as we are going to film as long as we can. I believe that we can get it done if we work hard.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

Maya and I worked on our storyboard. We actually started before we completed the sound and shooting script. We did this because we believed it would make the workload easier if we had it all planned out. We were indeed correct. Our storyboard was completed with 11 pages. We made sure to include all of the necessary shots. We also included the transitions we plan to use. The transitions being labeled will be helpful during the editing process. The storyboard is a very essential piece to the process. Maya and I are very happy with the outcome of our storyboard.


Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Title Design in Detail

Katelyn and I discussed the titles. We both agreed that the color of the titles needed to contrast the background. Also, we wanted the titles to give off a gory feel. Thus, we chose the color red for our titles. Moreover, we decided on the working title for our video. Katelyn and I debated over a few strong possibilities. Then, we decided on the title: "Chase". This is because it sums up the plot of our video without giving anything away. In fact, it also makes the audience curious as the chase is an interesting title. Overall, I am very pleased about how Katelyn and I came up with the titles and our designs.

Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule

Maya and I worked on the Location, Participants, Health, and Schedule Planning Blog. In this blog, we included the locations we are filming at. We also included the participants. This contained the actors, who filmed, who edited, and who directed. We also included a health and safety slide. This slide states that we are not actually putting ourselves in harms way. We will be using items that cannot harm each other or ourselves. Lastly, we included a schedule. This is very important, because it shows the dates we will be filming, editing, and reviewing. Overall, I believe this blog was very helpful for Maya and my journey to making our opening sequence to the film.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Shooting Script

I completed the shooting script alongside with Maya. We both contributed ideas for what we envisioned for this project. Maya added details to the beginning scenes. Meanwhile, I planned the ending scenes with details. I created the names Jordan and Rose. They're nice and simple, but their characters reveal they truly aren't all they seem. Furthermore, the shooting scripts describe what will happen in each scene. It also discusses the lighting that is desired for each scene which in this case describes the time. Overall, I think the shooting script will be extremely helpful when it comes time to shoot this project.

Planning Blog: Sound Script

Maya and I completed the sound script. We put together our ideas for this. We envisioned a lot of things, but had to narrow it down due to the time limit. We had to think carefully of what we wanted our characters to say. There is Rose, a young girl on her way to a party. She just wanted to hang out with her friends, but was not expecting what was to come. Then there was Jordan, the mysterious character who wants to take Rose for some reasons that are unknown. This created further horror for the audience watching. We put a lot of thought into what each character would say, as it would affect our film harshly. I believe our sound script will be very helpful when we create our opening film.